Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Wonder Woman v Gremlins: Part 2 (Commission)

It's finally here. Enjoy!

Part 2, commissioned by "Naughty Owl" (Same as Part 1).

Despite my last 3 releases all being Super Hero related, I'm not actually a "Super Heroine porn specialist". My next couple of image sets probably won't be super hero related at all so if you're after some more high quality 3DX Super Heroine porn, I'd recommend checking out "Captured Heroines".

They've got some great quality stuff up there and I can guarantee that they provide content updates far more frequently than I do. :P

Download link below. Includes "Clean" version of the set without the text.

"After following the stench of Gremlin semen through the sewerage system for what seemed like hours, Wonder Woman; equipped only with her tiara, boots, shorts and a full pair of engorged breasts, finally exits out through a manhole and up into a what appears to be a makeshift shrine dedicated to her! Will Diana fulfill the original goal of retrieving her stolen artifacts or will she submit to her ever growing desires? This is the second part of the story containing 33 images and featuring Diana (Wonder Woman) alongside a horde of horny Gremlin admirers. Art and Story by Jimjim."

Text & Clean Version Download 183.08 MB

I'll do another post at some point in the next few days with the renders of Diana's transformed body so you can see it better then where it's displayed in those last few images.

~ Jim

Wonder Woman v Gremlins Part 2 (Preview)

Hey, I almost got my date predictions right this time... almost.

So about a week later, I'm here with a preview blog post. As of the typing of this post Part 2 of Wonder Woman v Gremlins Is complete. I'll be posting the full set in a new post complete with download links when it's finished uploading (and also after I've had a sleep, it's 7:30 AM here...)

If there's one thing I learnt from this set, it's that it's tedious and very time consuming to individually pose 8-12 gremlins for each shot. It also makes it hard to position the camera and not have the lens blocked by all those damn gremlin cocks :3

But anyway, Here's a quick preview post while you wait. First the two images I posted the other day on my tumblr. They're the first 2 pages of the set.

And here's an extra one. Hopefully not too spoilery, (I've left out the text here, textless version will be included in the download) but let's be honest what did you honestly think was going to end up happening? :P

~ Jim

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Part 2 Coming Soon

It's been a while again, apologies. I've recently had the time to finish Part 2 of "Wonder Woman v Gremlins". Over the next couple of days I'll be finally putting the finishing touches on the text versions of the image set and it will be released. Won't give an exact date since I'm so unreliable with dates. But certainly before the end of the week.

Here is a WIP image I did for Part 2 when setting up the scene and testing the textures, lighting etc. It should give you a little idea of what to expect.

And here are 3 Wonder Woman posters. I needed poster props to decorate the Gremlin's sewer chamber with so I made these.

I'll post some previews of the actual set over the next couple of days.

Finally, I know I say this a lot but I'm going to start posting more regularly again, at least with updates. I want to talk more about all the projects that I've got going on since there's a lot that will be coming up real soon. I need to do proper updates for Emily's Negotiation and OIL, I need to finish editing Lara's swim (that damn old set from 2012), there's another short commission that I've had on the back-burner that I'm only getting around to now, and I've been doing heaps of behind the scenes on my other personal project featuring Kaleisha and her and Pierce's daughter: "Kali" over the past 1-2 years that I've never even posted about. So I have quite a backlog of images for her. But I'll leave most of that for another post since I'm short on time at the moment.

So I'll just leave you with the first image of Kali. I added her to the "Girls" page. She's just turned 18 and is the result of Kaleisha and Pierce's intense breeding session in Experimental Affairs.


While she may look relativity normal, both her parents had heavily transformed their bodies when conceiving her so you can expect quite a few unique body traits with her as well.

More on her soon,

~ Jim